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Advanced Reporting

Advanced Reporting for Magento 2

Compatible with Magento 2.4.x

Key Features

  • Sales by Products
  • Sales by Category
  • Sales by Cart Price Rules
  • Sales by Coupon
  • Sales by Customer Group
  • Sales by Payment Type
  • Sales by Country-State
  • Sales by Customers
  • Refunded Orders
  • Top Customers
  • Category Wise Top Customers
  • Compare Customers
  • Compare Year Wise Sales
  • User Based Access
  • Interactive Charts & Maps
  • Store Configuration

Transform your Magento 2 store into a data-driven powerhouse with the Advanced Reporting extension. This comprehensive solution empowers you to gain valuable insights into your store's performance, optimize marketing strategies, and drive business growth like never before. From detailed sales analytics to customizable reports, our extension offers a range of features designed to meet your unique business needs.

Current Version : 1.0.0

Category : Reporting and Analytics

Supported Browsers : Chrome , Firefox , Safari 

Adobe Commerce Platform Compatibility :

  • Adobe Commerce (cloud) : 2.4 .X 

  • Adobe Commerce (on-prem) : 2.4.X

  • Magento Community Edition : 2.4.X

Sales by Products

Unlock detailed insights into your store's product performance. Empower your decisions with comprehensive product sales data.

Sales by Category

Dive deep into category performance. Optimize your offerings with detailed category sales insights.

Sales by Cart Price Rules

Understand the impact of cart price rules on sales. Maximize revenue with effective promotional strategies.

Sales by Coupon 

Analyze coupon effectiveness. Optimize marketing campaigns with valuable coupon sales insights.

Sales by Customer Group

Unlock customer group insights. Enhance engagement and loyalty with targeted strategies based on group sales data.

Sales by Payment Type 

Gain payment type insights. Increase conversions by understanding and optimizing customer payment preferences. 

Sales by Country-State 

Analyze state-wise performance. Boost regional sales with insights into state-specific sales trends. 

Sales by Customers  

Understand customer purchasing behavior. Tailor marketing efforts with detailed customer sales insights. 

Refunded Orders

Gain insights into refunded orders. Reduce returns and enhance satisfaction by understanding refund reasons.

Top Customers 

Explore top customer behavior. Foster long-term relationships with insights into your most valuable customers. 

Category Wise Top Customers 

Analyze top customers by category. Tailor marketing strategies with insights into category-specific top customers. 

Compare Customers 

Compare customer behavior. Identify trends and optimize strategies by analyzing sales details between customers. 

Compare Year Wise Sales 

Compare yearly sales performance. Inform strategic decisions with year-over-year sales insights. 

User Based Access 

Enhance security with user-based access. Customize permissions to ensure confidentiality and compliance with sensitive sales data. 

Interactive Charts & Maps 

Engage with interactive data visualizations. Zoom in and out on bar charts and maps for in-depth analysis. 

Store Configuration

Customize your store settings. Optimize reporting with configurable options and focus on the most relevant insights. 

Elevate your store's success with the power of Advanced reporting module. 

Supported file types: .doc, .docx, .pdf, .txt, .jpg, .jpeg, .png
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Frequently asked questions

+ How do I install Advanced Reporting?

Installation instructions are provided in the README file included with the extension package. Generally, it involves uploading files to your Magento installation and running a few commands via Composer.

+ Is Advanced Reporting compatible with my Magento version?

Advanced Reporting is compatible with Magento 2.x versions.

+ Do I need programming skills to use Advanced Reporting?

Basic Magento administration skills are recommended. Advanced Reporting is designed to be user-friendly, but some configuration might require understanding of Magento’s backend.

+ What support options are available?

We offer email support & ticket system

+ Is Advanced Reporting customizable?

Yes, Advanced Reporting supports customization. Please write to for us to get on a quick call and help you through the process.

+ Does Advanced Reporting come with updates?

Yes, updates are provided to ensure compatibility with the latest Magento releases and to add new features or improvements.

+ Can I use Advanced Reporting on multiple Magento installations?

Advanced Reporting is licensed per Magento installation. Please refer to our licensing terms for specifics on multiple installations.

+ Is there a demo available?

Yes, you can write to or call +1 678 894 3155 for a demo or trial version.

+ I have a suggestion for Advanced Reporting. How can I share it?

We welcome feedback and suggestions. Please write to to share your ideas.

+ Is Advanced Reporting compatible with third-party Magento themes?

Advanced Reporting is designed to be compatible with most third-party Magento themes. Compatibility with specific themes can be verified by writing to

+ What happens if I encounter a bug with Advanced Reporting?

If you encounter any issues or bugs, please write to We will investigate and provide a fix or workaround as soon as possible.

+ Does Advanced Reporting affect my Magento store's performance?

Advanced Reporting is optimized for performance, but specific impacts can depend on your store’s configuration and server setup. We recommend testing in a development environment before deploying to production.

Release Notes


  • Compatiblity : Community edition / Enterprise edition / Cloud - 2.4.x
  • Stability: Stable Build
  • Description:

    The first version of the Magento 2 Advanced Reporting extension.