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Advanced Reviews

Advanced Reviews for Magento 2

Compatible With Magento 2.4.X

Key Features

  • Enhance credibility with verified customer reviews, ensuring authenticity
  • Drive engagement with automated feedback reminders and insightful reviews
  • Monitor and visualize review trends to optimize strategies
  • Pick and choose reviews based on customer feedback
  • Records reviews only on proof of purchase
  • Extensive administrative control on reviews and keywords

Our Advanced Reviews Extension enhances user experience by automatically generating the most frequently used words upon admin-approved reviews, facilitating effective review filtering. Additionally, it encourages customers to contribute valuable reviews, fostering an engaged product review ecosystem. 

Current Version : 1.0.0

Category : Product Reviews 

Supported Browsers : Chrome , Firefox , Safari 

Adobe Commerce Platform Compatibility :

  • Adobe Commerce (cloud) : 2.4 .X
  • Adobe Commerce (on-prem) : 2.4.X
  • Magento Community Edition : 2.4.X

  • Generate Most Frequently Used Words – Enhance user experience by filtering reviews effectively using the most frequently used words. 
  • Review Reminder Emails - Encourage customers to share reviews for their purchased products through reminder emails. 
  •  Restrict Review Submission for Non-Purchased Customers - Allow only customers who have purchased a product to submit reviews.
  • Verified Purchase Label - Display a verified purchase badge next to reviews from customers who have purchased the product. 
  • Showcasing Top-Rated Review Carousel - Randomly display top-rated reviews for each category in a review carousel.


  • Ability to set the Minimum and Maximum keyword tags to be displayed in frontend 
  • Ability to set the Keyword tags Frequency 
  • Ability to Exclude Keywords 
  • Ability to set Background Colour and Font Colour for the Keywords 
  • Ability to showcase Top-Rated Review Carousel 
  • Ability to set Email triggering frequency
  • Ability to have control over verified purchases

How We Keep Reviews Trustworthy and Useful

           In our Extension, we ensure the authenticity of reviews by verifying that the customer has purchased the product before allowing them to add a review. Additionally, we highlight the credibility of these reviews by adding a "Verified Purchase" badge for these customers. This process helps maintain the integrity and usefulness of the reviews for all users. 

Customer Review Highlights Feature

           In our Extension, we generate the most frequently used words from the reviews and display them, allowing customers to filter reviews and quickly gain insights about the product. This feature helps customers make more informed purchasing decisions. 

Showcasing Top-Rated Review Carousel

            Our Extension features a review carousel that randomly displays top-rated reviews for each category. This feature highlights the best feedback from our customers, offering quick and valuable insights into the most highly praised products. By showcasing top-rated reviews, we aim to help customers make informed purchasing decisions with ease. 

Supported file types: .doc, .docx, .pdf, .txt, .jpg, .jpeg, .png
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Frequently asked questions

+ How do I install Advanced Reviews?

Installation instructions are provided in the README file included with the extension package. Generally, it involves uploading files to your Magento installation and running a few commands via Composer.

+ Is Advanced Reviews compatible with my Magento version?

Advanced Reviews is compatible with Magento 2.x versions.

+ Do I need programming skills to use Advanced Reviews?

Basic Magento administration skills are recommended. Advanced Reviews is designed to be user-friendly, but some configuration might require understanding of Magento’s backend.

+ What support options are available?

We offer email support & ticket system

+ Is Advanced Reviews customizable?

Yes, Advanced Reviews supports customization. Please write to for us to get on a quick call and help you through the process.

+ Does Advanced Reviews come with updates?

Yes, updates are provided to ensure compatibility with the latest Magento releases and to add new features or improvements.

+ Can I use Advanced Reviews on multiple Magento installations?

Advanced Reviews is licensed per Magento installation. Please refer to our licensing terms for specifics on multiple installations.

+ Is there a demo available?

Yes, you can write to or call +1 678 894 3155 for a demo or trial version.

+ I have a suggestion for Advanced Reviews. How can I share it?

We welcome feedback and suggestions. Please write to to share your ideas.

+ Is Advanced Reviews compatible with third-party Magento themes?

Advanced Reviews is designed to be compatible with most third-party Magento themes. Compatibility with specific themes can be verified by writing to

+ What happens if I encounter a bug with Advanced Reviews?

If you encounter any issues or bugs, please write to We will investigate and provide a fix or workaround as soon as possible.

+ Does Advanced Reviews affect my Magento store's performance?

Advanced Reviews is optimized for performance, but specific impacts can depend on your store’s configuration and server setup. We recommend testing in a development environment before deploying to production.

Release Notes

  • 1.0.0:
    • Compatiblity : Community edition / Enterprise edition / Cloud - 2.4.x
    • Php Version : >= 8.1
    • Description : The first version of the Magento 2 Advanced Reviews extension.