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ChatGPT AI Content Generator

ChatGPT AI Content Generator for Magento 2

Compatible with Magento 2.4.x

Key Features

  • Seamless Content Generation
  • Bulk Content Generation
  • REST API and GraphQL Support
  • Message Queue Feature
  • Attribute Highlighting
  • AI Content Review
  • GPT Model Selection
  • Shadow Attribute
  • Custom Prompt
  • Import Entity Feature
  • Console Command Feature

Our AI Content Generator module leverages the cutting-edge GPT model to empower Magento 2 store owners with an advanced tool for automating and optimizing product, category, and CMS page content creation. From generating descriptive content to crafting SEO-optimized meta titles, keywords, and descriptions for multiple stores, this extension streamlines content management and enhances SEO performance.

Current Version : 1.0.3

Category : Product content

Supported Browsers : Chrome , Firefox , Safari , Edge

Adobe Commerce Platform Compatibility :

  • Adobe Commerce (cloud) : 2.4 .X
  • Adobe Commerce (on-prem) : 2.4.X
  • Magento Community Edition : 2.4.X

  • Utilize GPT's advanced capabilities for dynamic, personalized content. Craft distinctive content for diverse products, categories, and CMS pages across store views, enhancing the shopping experience with engaging, individualized information.
  • Grant store administrators the ability to review and edit AI-generated content before finalizing, maintaining control over product/category information accuracy and brand tone.
  • Tailor description content based on selected product attributes from the configuration settings. Customize product descriptions to align with specific attributes, enhancing the uniqueness and relevance of the generated content for each product.
  • Boost efficiency through mass action capabilities in the product listing grid, leveraging message queue integration for bulk content updates, enhancing performance.
  • Seamlessly integrate with Magento 2 via REST API and GraphQL, enabling programmatic updates of product content to suit diverse integration requirements.
  • Retain existing product content seamlessly by leveraging the shadow attribute feature. 
  • Curate personalized prompts to generate content for products, categories, and CMS pages efficiently. 
  • Added the ability to generate content using import entity for products, categories, and CMS pages, streamlining the content creation process across various store elements.
  • Introduced console commands for products, categories, and CMS pages, allowing administrators to generate and manage content efficiently through the command line interface.
  • Extended integration capabilities by adding REST API and GraphQL support, enabling seamless programmatic updates for categories and CMS pages.
  • Enhanced the content creation process by introducing a multi-language configurable feature, allowing administrators to generate content tailored to different languages based on store configuration.       


Time-Saving Automation: Automate the creation of product content, significantly reducing the time and effort required for content generation.

SEO Enhancement: Generate SEO-optimized meta information to improve search engine visibility and drive more organic traffic to your store.

Bulk Content Updates: Streamline and accelerate content updates across multiple stores simultaneously, improving productivity.

Content Control & Accuracy: Enable administrators to review and refine content, ensuring accuracy and alignment with brand messaging.

Accounts and Pricing:

This extension requires an additional account from OpenAI, The OpenAI Account is used to get the API credentials that are to be added to the Extension's configuration.

  • To register and get the secret key, tap this link.
  • If you are looking for Open AI support,  tap this link.
  • To learn more about Open AI pricing plans, click here.

Supported file types: .doc, .docx, .pdf, .txt, .jpg, .jpeg, .png
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Frequently asked questions

+ How do I install CHATGPT AI Content Generator?

Installation instructions are provided in the README file included with the extension package. Generally, it involves uploading files to your Magento installation and running a few commands via Composer.

+ Is CHATGPT AI Content Generator compatible with my Magento version?

CHATGPT AI Content Generator is compatible with Magento 2.x versions.

+ Do I need programming skills to use CHATGPT AI Content Generator?

Basic Magento administration skills are recommended. CHATGPT AI Content Generator is designed to be user-friendly, but some configuration might require understanding of Magento’s backend.

+ What support options are available?

We offer email support & ticket system.

+ Is CHATGPT AI Content Generator customizable?

Yes, CHATGPT AI Content Generator supports customization. Please write to for us to get on a quick call and help you through the process.

+ Does CHATGPT AI Content Generator come with updates?

Yes, updates are provided to ensure compatibility with the latest Magento releases and to add new features or improvements.

+ Can I use CHATGPT AI Content Generator on multiple Magento installations?

CHATGPT AI Content Generator is licensed per Magento installation. Please refer to our licensing terms for specifics on multiple installations.

+ Is there a demo available?

Yes, you can write to or call +1 678 894 3155 for a demo or trial version.

+ I have a suggestion for CHATGPT AI Content Generator. How can I share it?

We welcome feedback and suggestions. Please write to to share your ideas.

+ Is CHATGPT AI Content Generator compatible with third-party Magento themes?

CHATGPT AI Content Generator is designed to be compatible with most third-party Magento themes. Compatibility with specific themes can be verified by writing to

+ What happens if I encounter a bug with CHATGPT AI Content Generator?

If you encounter any issues or bugs, please write to We will investigate and provide a fix or workaround as soon as possible.

+ Does CHATGPT AI Content Generator affect my Magento store's performance?

CHATGPT AI Content Generator is optimized for performance, but specific impacts can depend on your store’s configuration and server setup. We recommend testing in a development environment before deploying to production.

Release Notes


  • Compatiblity : Community edition / Enterprise edition / Cloud - 2.4.x
  • Stability: Stable Build
  • Description:

    - Added import entity feature for products, categories and CMS pages
    - Added console command feature for products, categories and CMS pages
    - Added Rest API and GraphQL support for categories and CMS pages
    - Added multi-language configurable content generation feature
    - Added notifications to notify the administrator while generating content using message queue in admin


  • Compatiblity : Community edition / Enterprise edition / Cloud - 2.4.x
  • Stability: Stable Build
  • Description:

    New Feature: Shadow attribute for products and custom prompt for products, categories, and CMS pages


  • Compatiblity : Community edition / Enterprise edition / Cloud - 2.4.x
  • Stability: Stable Build
  • Description:

    - Added gpt-4 model support
    - Issues with serialized product attributes


  • Compatiblity : Community edition / Enterprise edition / Cloud - 2.4.x
  • Stability: Stable Build
  • Description:

    Initial release